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MyChoice® Accounts Updates

Announcements            Quarterly Product Updates          Overview of Member Upgrades          HSA Investment Upgrades          Debit Cards          Communications          Platform/Navigation Upgrades          Client Administrators

MyChoice Accounts Community

Track product updates and upcoming enhancements here.

*All prototypes of the updated portal are subject to change before the final release.

Updated: Feb. 17, 2025




Join us at 10 a.m. CT on Feb. 27 for some MyChoice Accounts training. It will be a short 35 minute session covering the member experience, how to assist members using Sofia, and an overview of funding processes. 

Join the training or catch the replay.

You'll need to be registered for Tech with Heart to access the training.

Join us in the Tech with Heart hub for our quarterly product and operations update. We'll cover the latest updates, share what we're adding in 2025, and provide timely reminders.

Join us or catch the replay

You'll need to be registered for Tech with Heart to access the recording.

The IRS recently gave guidance concerning limits for flexible spending accounts (FSAs), commuter benefits, and adoption assistance benefits. All maximum allowable amounts were updated except for dependent care FSAs.

  • Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit. For tax year 2025, the monthly limitation for the qualified transportation fringe benefit and the monthly limitation for qualified parking rises to $325, increasing from $315 in tax year 2024.
  • Health Flexible Spending Cafeteria Plans. For the taxable years beginning in 2025, the dollar limitation for employee salary reductions for contributions to health flexible spending arrangements rises to $3,300, increasing from $3,200 in tax year 2024. For cafeteria plans that permit the carryover of unused amounts, the maximum carryover amount rises to $660, increasing from $640 in tax year 2024.
  • Adoption assistance programs may now reimburse employees up to $17,280 in a pre-tax adoption assistance fund to help the employee cover adoption-related costs, such as court costs, legal and agency fees, and counseling fees. This amount is up from $16,810 in 2024.
Recent IRS Notice 2024-75 expands the preventive care benefits for High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) under Section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code, allowing these plans to cover over-the-counter (OTC) oral contraceptives, including emergency contraceptives and male condoms, without requiring a deductible. This expansion is significant for HR benefits professionals managing HDHPs and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
Key updates include:
  1. OTC Contraceptives and Male Condoms: HDHPs can now cover OTC oral contraceptives and male condoms without a deductible, regardless of prescription status. This applies to all individuals, expanding the range of preventive care benefits under HDHPs.
  2. Breast Cancer Screenings: The definition of preventive breast cancer screenings now includes not just mammograms, but also other methods like MRIs and ultrasounds for individuals not diagnosed with breast cancer.
  3. Diabetes Management: Continuous glucose monitors are now considered preventive care for individuals with diabetes, aligning them with glucometers, provided they function similarly. Additionally, insulin products may be covered without a deductible under the new safe harbor, regardless of whether the prescription is for diabetes treatment or prevention. 
These changes allow for broader preventive care coverage under HDHPs, making it easier for employees to access essential health services without incurring high out-of-pocket costs before meeting deductibles. For HR professionals, these adjustments may affect plan design and communication strategies to ensure employees understand their expanded benefits. Effective for plan years beginning after December 30, 2022, the guidance offers flexibility in HDHP offerings, improving access to preventive healthcare.
Additionally, IRS Notice 2024-71 provides clarity on the interpretation of medical care expenses under section 213(d) and the specific inclusion of condoms as a deductible medical expense or as an eligible medical expense for FSAs, HRAs, and HSAs. 

If you still need to run non-discrimination testing for 2024, please confirm with your CSL and have them kick off the process by submitting a case and getting their template started.

All requests for NDT testing for 2024 need to be submitted by Sept. 30, so we can ensure staffing for onboarding, annual enrollment, and NDT processes. Testing does not have to be completed by Sept. 30, but requests should be submitted with approximate date of testing.

The IRS FS-2024-22 provides FAQs on educational assistance programs under section 127 of the Internal Revenue Code. It outlines that employers can exclude up to $5,250 annually from an employee’s gross income for educational benefits like tuition, fees, books, and supplies. Payments for qualified education loans are also eligible if incurred by the employee. The FAQs clarify that these benefits must be part of a written employer plan and are subject to certain eligibility rules. 

Please see FS 24-22 for details.

The IRS updated limits for maximum contributions for HSAs. For calendar year 2025, the annual limit for self-only coverage is $4,300 and family coverage limit is $8,550. 

For calendar year 2025, a “high deductible health plan” is defined as a plan with an annual deductible that is not less than $1,650 for self-only coverage or $3,300 for family coverage, and for which the annual out-of-pocket expenses (deductibles, co-payments, and other amounts, but not premiums) do not exceed $8,300 for self-only coverage or $16,600 for family coverage. 

Finally, an excepted benefit HRA for 2025 may allow up to $2,150 of employer contributions. 

Amid concerns about people being misled, the Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers and heath spending plan administrators that personal expenses for general health and wellness are not considered medical expenses under the tax law.

This means personal expenses are not deductible or reimbursable under health flexible spending arrangements, health savings accounts, health reimbursement arrangements or medical savings accounts (FSAs, HSAs, HRAs and MSAs).

Read the full alert here.

MyChoice Accounts note: This is one reason we promote the FSA/HSA/HRA store through our communications. Every item in their store is an eligible item. They don't carry items that are approved only with a letter of medical necessity. This helps members get what they need and stay compliant.

There are two issues currently impacting some cardholders.

1. There is an issue between merchants and the IIAS approval system with system updates and chip cards. Merchants are required to update their terminals to accept chipped healthcare cards with PIN. Members may still use their cards and bypass entering the PIN, running the card as a credit card at the terminal with no issue. Here is a VISA flier explaining this process to members. This issue only impacts members with the blue, chip-enabled MyChoice Accounts cards who have set up a PIN. PINs are not needed for use of the card.

2. We continue to see cases for issues with card activation for one key reason. When activating a new dependent card, the caller should use the primary cardholder/member's personal information to validate and activate their card. Typically, this will require the primary accountholder's date of birth and SSN. They should not use the dependent's information. The debit card web page has been updated to reflect this information, and member services has gotten additional information to help members trying to activate their card.

General Member Upgrades

The most recent update for members is in March 2025. 

We are adding a MyChoice Accounts Balance Widget to the system. It will be displayed on the Benefitsolver member home layout, as well as any applicable MyChoice Accounts microsites, like the FSA, HSA, Commuter Benefits pages. 

In addition to displaying all current account balances, it also contains a hot link to get the member directly to their MyChoice Accounts. This is in addition to the usual "piggy bank" icon present on most home layouts.

As this is a widget, it can be moved or deleted by anyone with layout editing rights. 

Best practice would be to include it, as members who have an active account will be able to access their information immediately upon login.

This widget will not show to anyone who does not have an active MyChoice Account.

MCA Balance Widget - 2025


HSA Investments

For 2025, we are looking to expand our investment opportunities for members. In addition to our self-directed track that we launched in 2024, we will now be able to offer a managed track. We expect this feature to be available in Q2 and will give you further updates on timing as those details become available.

Please access the member-facing investment site for more details on the member experience.

A managed track will be another option for HSA holders who want to invest.

HSA participants will have two options if they select "Start Investing." 

Self-directed and managed.

managed track 2

Each button will have explanation about how to use and what it is. Members are able to split their invested funds and do both tracks, or just one track. They have complete flexibility. 

For the managed track, members will answer a short questionnaire designed to gauge their risk tolerance, age, and other factors. Once they submit their answers, they will be matched with a prescribed investment line up that meets their needs.

Just like the self-directed track, members may choose to manually add funds to this track or set up an auto-sweep, whereby incoming contributions over their preferred threshold are automatically invested.




Review the investment line-up

Investment line-up is subject to change to align with the market and best practices.

We are moving from mutual funds to ETFs for a number of reasons.

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of pooled investment security that operates much like a mutual fund. Typically, ETFs will track a particular index, sector, commodity, or other assets, but unlike mutual funds, ETFs can be purchased or sold on a stock exchange the same way that a regular stock can. An ETF can be structured to track anything from the price of an individual commodity to a large and diverse collection of securities. ETFs can even be structured to track specific investment strategies.

  • An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a basket of securities that trades on an exchange just like a stock does.
  • ETF share prices fluctuate all day as the ETF is bought and sold; this is different from mutual funds, which only trade once a day after the market closes.
  • ETFs can contain all types of investments, including stocks, commodities, or bonds; some offer U.S.-only holdings, while others are international.
  • ETFs offer low expense ratios and fewer broker commissions than buying the stocks individually. (Investopedia)
  • ETFs use fractional shares to help investors maximize their investing. This is especially important for investors for HSAs, as they are still able to purchase high-performing and well-known stocks but using smaller investment amounts.

    We are moving to ETFs because they provide more “bang for the buck,” with lower expense ratios and are considered a more modern approach to this type of investing. Members will get better dividends in the long run.

Members who invest in the self-directed track are charged $2.50/month from their HSA account.

Managed track investment fees are still being determined (2/25).

Yes. Members will now be able to initiate or manage their investments directly within the mobile app. Members who have not yet invested will see a prompt to “Start Investing.” This functionality is available now.



Here is a video demonstration of the self-directed investment functionality.

Watch the investment experience (1:40)

Prototypes are subject to change based on end-user testing before release.


Debit Card 

For 2025, we are expanding our capabilities for activating the card by adding online and mobile options for activation in addition to the existing phone method. 

We expect this update during the month of May 2025. Additionally, once this change is in place, members will have a prompt on their "To Do" widget upon log in to activate their card if they have received one and not done so yet.

The phone number for activation will be changing, but the old number will continue to work for members who might still have an older card that is unactivated. The new activation number will be printed on the sticker that comes on the card.

Here are some examples of what this flow will look like (pending final development).


MCA card activation 1

MCA card activation 2

MCA card activation 3


Members who received a card before Oct. 15, 2023, have a purple card:


2022 MyChoiceAccounts Card

Cards issued after October 15, 2023:

MCA 2023 debit card shadow


Members will receive a new card mailer with a QR code directing them to get more details about card usage at our MyChoiceAccounts.com member website.

  • The turquoise MyChoice Accounts card will have the chip-enabled contactless pay feature, allowing members to use the tap-to-pay features at retailers when available.
  • Every new card issued has an individual card number, allowing an individual card to be locked in case of loss/theft. This will allow members to continue using other cards attached to their account. 
  • Moving our card program to the processor also provides a near real-time data exchange, providing a better balance update throughout each day. All cards (older and newer) will benefit from the faster debit processing time.

The touchless pay card is great for commuter benefits members. It's easy for them to request a replacement card AFTER Oct. 9.

Here are the member instructions.

  1. Log in to your benefits portal or open the MyChoice Mobile App and navigate to your MyChoice Accounts (On the web: Look for the piggy bank icon. On the app: Select the Accounts tab located at the bottom of the screen.]
  2. Click on the Manage tab and select Cards, then choose the card you need to manage by selecting the three-dot menu to the right of your card. Or on the app, select the image of the card.
  3. Select reissue card next to the name of the member who has commuter benefits (remember, these benefits are individual and do not extend to dependents).
  4. The new card will be mailed in 7-10 business days.

Members can log in to the portal and navigate to MyChoice Accounts via their home page, by selecting the piggy bank icon or MyChoice Accounts from their profile drop-down.

They should select Manage > Cards. If they need to replace a card for an existing cardholder, they should select the three-dot menu beside the name of the cardholder and select "Reissue Card." If they need a net new card for an eligible dependent, they should select + Issue Card and select the dependent from the drop-down menu and submit the request.

(note: if the member does not have eligible dependents without a card, they will not be able to use the Issue Card function. They should use the three-dot menu beside each name to replace their card.)

Card ordering - MCA web


The card mailer directs members to mychoiceaccounts.com and a page specifically for cardholders.

This page is also accessible by just navigating to mychoiceaccounts.com.

Member Debit Card Site

At this time, the MyChoice Accounts VISA debit card is not compatible with Apple Pay or Google Pay electronic/device payment options. We are scoping this as an enhancement, and will keep our clients posted on our progress.


Yes. Please use the HYPERLINK, and not the PDF, as we will make updates to these guides regularly throughout the year as features and screens change.

User Guide for any client who does NOT use MyChoice Accounts for HSA (FSA, HRA, Commuter, etc.)

User Guide for any clients who has MyChoice Accounts HSA only or in addition to other MyChoice Accounts, such as FSA, HRA, Commuter, etc.)

Member videos for "Accessing Your Funds" and "Managing Your Accounts" are also available.

  • In Heart2Heart, please access or join the MyChoice Accounts community. Our library there has everything you and your members need. If you need to be added to the MyChoice Accounts community, please log in to Heart2Heart through Benefitsolver, select 'Communities,' then 'All Communities,' and select the JOIN button next to the MyChoice Accounts community listing.
  • Additionally, we have created a MyChoice Accounts AE Resources site to help you populate benefits guides and give you tools for a successful AE. 
  • Finally, mychoiceaccounts.com has a wealth of resources you can provide to members with just a link. Find these in the Resources page. 
In addition to our updated user guide, we have added text prompts to many actions in the platform to give members more context on what is available. Additionally, we have undergone extensive user testing with our upgrades to make sure that the navigation is as intuitive as possible and will continually monitor member services feedback to make the member experience easier.

Platform/Navigation Upgrades

Yes. We are looking to launch a redesign of the member dashboard in Q2-Q3 of 2025. 

No functions are being removed, but we are creating a more visual experience for members to view their balances and recent claims directly on the home dashboard of MyChoice Accounts. In addition, based on testing, we are moving our "shortcuts" menu out of the drop-down where it currently lives, and into a tile in the top right corner. These items are the most frequently used shortcuts when members enter the MyChoice Accounts dashboard.

View a video of the current member experience on the web portal.

Here is a sneak peek of what we plan to release in 2025.

member web 1

member web 2


Client Administrators

We continually make process improvements on back-end processes, such as adding SFTP file options. Many items we work on make admin processes easier by reducing the manual work of our MyChoice Accounts operations team.

Of particular interest in 2025 is our rollout of AI-assisted receipt reading. As part of our greater AI initiatives, we are upskilling our system to be able to ingest receipts and documents for FSA and HRA documentation needs. We are making updates behind the scenes to allow the system to review documentation and determine whether it has all required information or if it needs a claims processor review. For documentation that "passes," we'll be able to cut down on claims turn-around time significantly throughout 2025. No documentation will be denied without a human processor review. More to come on this exciting enhancement and our results as we continue to build this functionality.



  • This page will be updated regularly.
  • The Tech with Heart Series Hub - quarterly product updates always include MyChoice Accounts information.
  • The Wire will also outline changes that are significant.